Sentinel-Lime Yellow
Sentinel-Lime Yellow
vitreograph print with three laser etched and sandblasted plates, Variable Edition
15x22", 2023
float mounted in a white frame
At my first printmaking residency at Pilchuck Glass School, I began with tree imagery, comparing the changing light of day with seasons of life, which turned into an exploration of invisible structures linking the trees with life itself. The entire series was a riff on color.
A vitreograph is a glass plate, and the residency was an opportunity to explore the possibilities of using glass with printmaking. This print uses 2 laser etched plates and one sandblasted one, each inked separately and printed atop one another. There are 7 in the series, referencing different times of the year, although the Douglas fir shown is an evergreen.
Exhibited at Wall Box Gallery in South San Francisco in Oct-Dec 2024 and Town Hall Theatre in Lafayette, CA in March-May 2025